George Poteet

1948 - 2024


The entire Speed Demon team is saddened at the loss of George Poteet, who passed away at his home at the age of 76.George had been a fixture on the Bonneville Salt Flats for years.

While his first forays into racing followed his love for ‘30s hot rods, his continuing quest for speed eventually found him behind the wheel of a streamliner. George drove his first streamliner in 2006 driving the Ron Main Ecofire streamliner. In 2007, the Speed Demon team was started.

In the 2010s, George became known as the man to beat at Bonneville. He and the Speed Demon team doggedly pursued the Hot Rod magazine trophy for the fastest pass during Speed Week, a feat the Speed Demon team has accomplished 11 times, 10 of which with George behind the wheel. No other driver has more 400+mph Speed Week passes than George.

Of course, George was more than a racer. His generosity on the salt, which extended to spectators looking to see the fastest piston-powered car in the world up close as well as fellow racers in need of mechanical help, was just one facet of his personality. He was humble about his accomplishments, quick with a smile and a laugh, and doted on his grandchildren.

Outside of racing, George had many friends in the automotive community as he commissioned and built some of the finest custom cars in the nation, taking home the prestigious America's Most Beautiful Roadster trophy as well as the Detroit Autorama's top prize, the Ridler Award.

The automotive community has lost a legend. We lost a mentor, a teammate, and a dear friend. Speed Week won’t ever be the same without him.

George Poteet Tribute